Monday, September 3, 2012


Workout of the Day
Five sets of:
Halting Snatch Deadlift + Snatch from Above the Knee
Rest 2-3 minutes
Pull barbell from floor to just above the knee and pause for 1-2 seconds – you should feel weight distributed through mid and rear foot, tension through your hamstings, and lats should actively pull the barbell into your thighs, then stand tall, then push your hips back and descend into the exact same position – pause there and then snatch.

Five sets of:
Touch-n-Go Squat Clean x 5 reps
Rest 2 minutes
For the five sets, start at 55-60% of your 1-RM Clean. Then build over the course of the five sets, by approximately 5%, keeping all sets under 12-15 seconds.

Six sets for times of:
25-Yard Low-Handle Prowler Push (heavy)
15′ Rope Climb x 3 reps
(must start each ascent from seated position)
25-Yard Low-Handle Prowler Push
Rest 3 minutes

A) 155,175,185,195,205(Hang Snatch PR)
B) 185(:12), 195(:13), 205(:13), 215(:13), 225(:15)
C) Skipped.


  1. Cool warmups, although, you say you're a crossfitter...and this just looks like you are doing globo weight lifting? Perhaps I am just confused.

  2. Cool bro. So let me get this straight. You just go around on people's blogs "trolling" in hopes to receive some sort of response? Nicely done.

  3. LOL, spraying about petty exercise routines is a surefire way to get trolled, BM. Maybe if you showed how these workouts help you with an actual sport you get encouragement from the web rather than trolls.
