Wednesday, December 21, 2011

12-21..Off Day

Today was sort of an off day training wise for me. This morning along with my typical bacon and eggs, I had a bowl of OatFit. For a while I was eating this post-workout with my usual sweet potato mixture, and for some reason post-wod I would be really angry. Not at anyone or thing but just in general. So after talking with Johnny B who mentioned something about improper fueling and mental issues(see: Twinkie Defense) I began to wonder if the OatFit had something to do with it. So I cut it out for a couple weeks and I began to notice a difference even after a training session that I felt was sub-par. See any correlation? No, I'm not saying that oatmeal makes me angry..I am simply stating that my diet has effect on how my mental capacity is pre, during, post training. So I am going to totally rid myself of that shit and anything else that could possibly contribute to that.

So, who wants my OatFit?!

Here is what my session looked like..Oh and for the record, when I write MFS it means Mood, Fatigue, Soreness with 1 being the best and 10 being on your death bed

1a) 7X1 2 Hang Power Cleans – heaviest possible, rest 15 sec.
1b) 7X1 2 Hang Squat Snatches – heaviest possible, rest 15 sec.
1c) 7X1 2 Jerks (Split or Push) – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec.
100 Pullups
Row 1k
100 Burpees
1a) 205(bad form)x1,195(shit again)x1, 185×5
1b) 155(missed twice), 145(missed once), 135×6
1c) 205(felt super heavy)x1, 185×6(still felt heavy but nutted up)
Skipped the met-con just because my head wasn’t in it…I felt like I had no hip drive or power today.
MFS 7/5/6

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