Friday, December 30, 2011

Puttin' In that Work

Woke up this morning and I felt like my body was falling apart. Just saying..but that's how competition is going to be. You can't wake up and say, "I'm too sore to do today's workouts.." 

If you find yourself doing this and it is not contributing to your goals, you better take a step back and reevaluate your training..Now on to the good stuff!!

Today's work involved high bar back squats. They are a bit different in that you are keeping your torso more upright instead of bending forward at the waist. Notice the bar placement and height as well as where your knees are ending. HBBS carry over more into Oly lifts so it's beneficial to train both. Here are a few cues that Rudy posted to keep in mind.
1) Barbell on top of traps—duh. It may hurt. If it does STFU and don’t admit it.
2) Relax your arms and use a clean grip. When I say relax, I mean literally let them hang. The tighter your arms are the more you’ll want to turn this into a low-bar squat. The looser your arms are the more we’ll have to rely on the back arch to support the bar. Wrists should be neutral and hanging as well. If you can’t use a clean grip or relax your arms then we have some mobility issues.
3) Initiate right down the middle. No pushing the hips back, no “closing the car door”. Try to think about squatting ass literally to ankles so that your glutes are on top of your achilles in the bottom. I even will instruct people to break the knees before the hips if they are struggling to understand this.
4) Arch your back. The high-bar squat is an accessory lift for the clean, so with that in mind we should be practicing in the position we’ll receive the clean. You’ll NEVER catch a clean in a low-bar type position, so make sure you’re arched as much as possible to maintain bar support throughout the lift.
5) Control the fall and bounce out of the bottom. I can talk science about the stretch shortening cycle and neural inhibition, but simply put—bouncing out of the bottom makes you be able to lift more weight (if your midline can support it). This will be a new concept to some of you, but it will transfer to ever aspect of your squatting and allow you to utilize the stored energy throughout your legs.

*Make sure to use your high-bar 1rm for these percentages. If you do not have a high-bar 1rm then cut 10-20% off of your low-bar 1rm for an estimated number.
1) High-Bar Back Squat: 1X10 @ 60%, 1X8 @ 65%, 1X6 @ 70%, 1X4 @ 75% – rest 2-3 min. between each set.
-160, 175, 190, 205(I was just getting a feel for it today. It's a little different but definitely could feel the bounce at the bottom and how it correlates with a clean and snatch)
2a) 4X3 Shoulder Press – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec.
2b) Front Squats: 1X5 @ 60%, 1X5 @ 65%, 2X5 @ 70% – rest 60 sec.
-145, 160, 170x2
5 X 120 yard Prowler Shuttle Run @ 90/50# – rest 2 minutes.
Notes: Shuttle run/push should be performed by doing: 10yd down – 10 yd back, 20 yd down – 20 yd back, 30 yd down – 30 yd back. Use high handles for push down and low handles for push back.
Um, we don't have a prowler so we used the big ass sandbags and ran with them..
-:50, :40, :39, :36 secs. Forgot to do the last one..Ooops! 
20 minutes alternating practice/testing between HS Walks and Standing Vertical Jump Test.
Notes: For vertical testing use whatever implement you can. You may touch a spot on the wall, hang rings high and measure them, or simply hang a tape measure from the ceiling. Do not take a run or a drop step to start. This should be a two foot standing jump test. Obviously, measure the height of your highest reach and subtract from highest height touched to find your number. Take at least 5 attempts.

longest HS walk was around 36 ft. and the Vert was just about 28 inches. Not bad for a short stocky white boy! 

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Fun times at American Iron!

So Julian, Drew, and myself visited American Iron this morning. If you don't know what it is you NEED TO NOW!! It's a gym that has a focus on powerlifting. This means they have all sorts of fun and cool shit to play around with. I was amazed at some of the random looking machines and toys they had. I highly recommend going there and you automatically feel stronger when you walk in plus it's called American Iron, like, how cool is that?? Anyways here is what our training session looked like...

AM around 9 ish
Worked up to a heavy set of 3 on Push Press. Decided to max out..PR of 209 lbs for a single!
-Heavy Yoke carries
-Sled pulls and stone shouldering
-3×15 on the reverse hyper(90 lbs of plates)
-3×8 of GHR’s(first time doing them)
-battle rope conditioning
      *1 min on 1 min off
-tried some peg board work

In all it was a very productive morning at a very cool gym! I highly recommend going!

Now on to the ACTUAL programming for today! Julian and I did this after I got off work around 6:30

5x1 Power Clean
   -all at 225#'s

8 Minute AMRAP
-7 Deadlifts @ 275 
-35 Double Unders

I got 7 full rounds plus 7 deads and 10 Double Unders

In all it was a very fun and taxing day! But guess what tomorrow is!? Yep you guessed correct, 


and I leave you with these parting words...

"Dictionary is the only place that success comes before work. Hard work is the price we must pay for success. I think you can accomplish anything if you're willing to pay the price."-Vince Lombardi

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Two days worth

Sorry for the late posting guys. Here was what Drew and I did yesterday and also what I did today.

Full Snatch
-Off Blocks, just above knee height
-Work up to a heavy single

180 felt really good! Missed 185 3 times because of my damn shoulder mobility

10 minute AMRAP
15 Wall ball shots
1 Rope Climb
-8 full rounds

5 rounds(for quality)
10 GHD sit-ups
10 Back Extensions

Accumulate 2 minutes each hand pinch grip holds
-35 lb bumper


*New squat cycle started. We took 90-95% of our max and used that as a training max(similar to 5/3/1)
**Low bar squat unless high-bar is noted
Training Max's
Back Squat-285 lbs
Front Squat-245 lbs
1) Back Squat: 1X10 @ 60%, 1X8 @ 70%, 1X6 @ 75%, 1X4 @ 80% – rest 2-3 min. between each set.
2a) 4X8 Strict Parallette HSPU – rest 60 sec.(These SUCKED)
Notes: Parallettes should be set anywhere between 20-24”. Begin with plates built up between parallettes to approximately 1” below height of parallettes (reference 2009 Games standard). If these are too difficult to finish the set of 8 (sets may be broken, but these should not be singles) then add more plates. If you can perform the set of 8 unbroken then take plates away to add difficulty.
2b) Front Squats: 1X5 @ 60%, 3X5 @ 70% – rest 60 sec.
4 rounds for reps/meters/weight of:
ME UB Chest to Bar Pullups
-rest 1 minute
1 minute ME Row for Meters
-rest 1 minute
1 minute Weighted Plank Hold
-rest 1 minute
Pullups(did one set of ME UB till failure)-18,15,10x2
Plank-55 lbs(Messed up the time on first set. Held it for like a minute plus), 45x3(last two sets were sub 60)

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Rest Weekend

Hey guys, due to the holidays and me being out of town, I took saturday and sunday off. Tomorrow I think I am going to head to the gym with Maggie's sister David. Not too sure with the equipment they will have there so it might be a 3 day off in a row. Or maybe I'll run a 5k! In the meantime, please gawk over my elk pizza I made this weekend!

Elk Pizza! Oh yeah, be jealous!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Best training day in a long time!

Today was one of my best training days in quite a long time! Everything felt good and I had high intensity! Yesterday's off day was just what I needed. Here's what was on tap for today

WOD 111223:
5×2 Snatch Grip Deadlift @ 125% (of 1rm Snatch) – rest 90 sec.
Notes: Maintain posture – chest up, back scooped, knees back – no matter what. If the weight is too heavy to maintain, obviously, go down. Use straps.
Dynamic Strength
1a) Back Squat: 10×2 @ 65%+25% Band – rest 40 sec.
1b) Bench Press: 10X2 @ 65%+25% Chains – rest 40 sec.
4x100m Shuttle Run – rest 1:1
Notes: Set targets/cones 25m apart. Complete the 100m using 2 down and back ALL OUT sprints.

Strength: 250 w/ straps-felt real easy! Should have gone up or no straps

Dyn. Strength:
Squats(with red band)- 205x4(was super easy so I went up), 215x6

Bench(with purple band instead of chains)-145x10(probably could have gone up but I was by myself and I have never done these before

Speed: 35, 39, 35, 34(10 meter distance. Legs were tired and I cheesedicked the sprints to save the legs for the row..)

One last met-con since Im taking two days off

1k Row and 10 Muscle-Ups- 5:40
-(should have been sub 5 but my new wood rings are so damn slick. It's hard and somewhat scary to link more than 3. I almost dislocated my shoulder a few weeks ago on slick wood rings so I am a bit nervous when using them.)

Casio G-Shock!
I also got a frikkin sweet new training partner today!!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Rest Day!!

Today is a much needed rest day! I have been contemplating getting in a met-con but my body DEFINITELY needs the rest!

Hit the MobWod's today and destrominate tomorrow!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

12-21..Off Day

Today was sort of an off day training wise for me. This morning along with my typical bacon and eggs, I had a bowl of OatFit. For a while I was eating this post-workout with my usual sweet potato mixture, and for some reason post-wod I would be really angry. Not at anyone or thing but just in general. So after talking with Johnny B who mentioned something about improper fueling and mental issues(see: Twinkie Defense) I began to wonder if the OatFit had something to do with it. So I cut it out for a couple weeks and I began to notice a difference even after a training session that I felt was sub-par. See any correlation? No, I'm not saying that oatmeal makes me angry..I am simply stating that my diet has effect on how my mental capacity is pre, during, post training. So I am going to totally rid myself of that shit and anything else that could possibly contribute to that.

So, who wants my OatFit?!

Here is what my session looked like..Oh and for the record, when I write MFS it means Mood, Fatigue, Soreness with 1 being the best and 10 being on your death bed

1a) 7X1 2 Hang Power Cleans – heaviest possible, rest 15 sec.
1b) 7X1 2 Hang Squat Snatches – heaviest possible, rest 15 sec.
1c) 7X1 2 Jerks (Split or Push) – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec.
100 Pullups
Row 1k
100 Burpees
1a) 205(bad form)x1,195(shit again)x1, 185×5
1b) 155(missed twice), 145(missed once), 135×6
1c) 205(felt super heavy)x1, 185×6(still felt heavy but nutted up)
Skipped the met-con just because my head wasn’t in it…I felt like I had no hip drive or power today.
MFS 7/5/6


Day 2..I was a little sore and that is to be expected after a day like Monday's.

1a) 4X5 Hi-Bar Back Squats – heaviest possible, rest 30 sec.
1b) 4X5 Push Press – heaviest possible, rest 90 sec.

1a) 250×2, 275×2(last rep of 275 was HARD)
1b) 135×2, 155×2(155 was the magic number)

2a) 5X2 Banded (Clean style) Rack Pulls (just below the knee) @ 80%+40% bands – rest 45 sec.
Notes: Percentage is based off 1RM Clean.
2b) 5x5 Pendlay Rows

2a) 210+ (red band looped then knotted twice)
                                              2b) 155×2, 185×3(got heavy)

7 rounds for distance and time of:
1 min Max Distance HS Walk
1 min Max Time Ring L-Sit Hold

HS walk- 25,14, 8, 20,16, 15, 20(all in feet…got exponentially harder)
Hold- 25, 24, 20, 16, 17, 18, 14(don’t practice these enough)

Day 1

Day 1 of this program start on December 19th. I was already thinking what I got myself into when I saw the programming. Needless to say I went in "balls deep"(excuse the reference) and here were the #'s

Barbell Gymnastics
15 min to establish 1rm Snatch-200 lbs's
15 min to establish 1rm Clean and Jerk-235 lb's

7 MU
21 DB thrusters w/ 35 lbs

instead though i did
15 Min AMRAP

ME/UB Muscle Ups
ME/UB Double Unders

set 1-7,87
set 2-6,62
set 3-4,11
set 4-5, 95
set 5-3,116

3RM Turkish Get-Up
R-65 lbs
L-55 lbs

I was exhausted and day one was finished!

New Programming for me

Most of you know that I usually program for myself. However, I decided to start following The Outlaw Way training program. Rudy Nielsen is the head coaches name and he programs for a multitude of games athletes that include Brandon Phillips and Becky Conzelman. 

I decided that If I am going to be competitive this year I was going to have to outsource my programming elsewhere. This is going to be the programming source for my quest over the next two months! I hope you're as excited as I am!