Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Fun times at American Iron!

So Julian, Drew, and myself visited American Iron this morning. If you don't know what it is you NEED TO NOW!! It's a gym that has a focus on powerlifting. This means they have all sorts of fun and cool shit to play around with. I was amazed at some of the random looking machines and toys they had. I highly recommend going there and you automatically feel stronger when you walk in plus it's called American Iron, like, how cool is that?? Anyways here is what our training session looked like...

AM around 9 ish
Worked up to a heavy set of 3 on Push Press. Decided to max out..PR of 209 lbs for a single!
-Heavy Yoke carries
-Sled pulls and stone shouldering
-3×15 on the reverse hyper(90 lbs of plates)
-3×8 of GHR’s(first time doing them)
-battle rope conditioning
      *1 min on 1 min off
-tried some peg board work

In all it was a very productive morning at a very cool gym! I highly recommend going!

Now on to the ACTUAL programming for today! Julian and I did this after I got off work around 6:30

5x1 Power Clean
   -all at 225#'s

8 Minute AMRAP
-7 Deadlifts @ 275 
-35 Double Unders

I got 7 full rounds plus 7 deads and 10 Double Unders

In all it was a very fun and taxing day! But guess what tomorrow is!? Yep you guessed correct, 


and I leave you with these parting words...

"Dictionary is the only place that success comes before work. Hard work is the price we must pay for success. I think you can accomplish anything if you're willing to pay the price."-Vince Lombardi

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