Monday, January 16, 2012

Monday 1-16

BB Gymnastics

1a) 3X5 Snatch High-Pulls – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec.

3x5x185 lbs (got heavy towards the end)

Notes: Straps may be used. The goal is to get the barbell to the nipple line without a rebend of the knee.

1b) 3X5 Tall Snatches – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec.
3x5x85 lbs (very awkward)

Notes: This WILL NOT be a heavy weight. The goal is with ZERO knee bend or hip angle change, to initiate vertical movement of the barbell with ankle extension, then rapidly pull under into the catch position


7 minute AMRAP of:

12 C2B Pullups
12 Box Jumps 24"

5+11 box jumps(Kept a good pace. Probably could have even gone harder)

OC Throwdown WOD 5
75 Double Unders
25 ft Handstand Walk
30 GHD Sit Ups
25 ft Handstand Walk
75 Double Unders
25 ft Handstand Walk
Time- 6:21
Umm, should have been sub 5. I got off the GHD at around 3:15 and basically shit fell apart..FAST. My last set of DU's I missed a lot and I ended up throwing my rope in anger and walked away for about 25 seconds. I finished the workout though

1 comment:

  1. Be very careful with your anger management issues during exercise, as you will find that losing your temper will happen more and more frequently and your exercising will suffer as a result.

