Thursday, May 16, 2013


Last training day of the weekend. Graduation is basically going to be taking up the majority of my time the next couple days.

15 min AMRAP
1/2 Mile AirDyne(6500 rpms+)
15 burpees

Every 2 Minutes for 12 minutes
4 squat cleans (225 lbs)
150 ft. shuttle run 

For time:
100 Double-Unders
50 Handstand Push-Ups
Rest exactly 2 minutes, and then . . .
For time:
40 Toes to Bar
30 Shoulder to Overhead with Axle (160/100 lbs)

A) 5+ .49 Miles

B) :35, :33, :32, :31, :26(100+%),  :34(100+%. Failed 1 rep)
-Barbell cycling felt good

C) 17:09
-Really rough for me today. HSPUs got significantly more difficult. The S2OH were rough. Really rough. Mentally, it was hard for me to want to keep moving. 

Overall, I'd say today was good. Not necessarily in terms of score/times wise but mentally. 

Moving to the S2OH after being frustrated on the wall was the last thing I wanted to do. But I did it. It wasn't pretty, but I did it. Halfway through that workout the only thing I could think about was how I felt like I might not belong here. I felt embarrassed after missing reps and I could only think about how humiliating it would if the same thing happened during that weekend. The only option for me at that moment was to turn my brain off, and just let my body take over.. and I did. Successfully. I now know that I do belong there. I always knew. Even in those times of struggle, where I feel embarrassed or I feel like I might not belong, I still keep pushing. I still keep grabbing that axle. I still keep flipping up on to that wall. No matter where I finish, nobody can say that I didn't bust my ass to get to where I am.

And that's why I belong there.

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