Saturday, February 2, 2013


As I was leaving the store, there was a gentleman sitting on the median with a sign that read

 "Really Hungry. Anything Helps"

As I started to reach into the grocery bag (that contained hot chocolate, cookie dough, pop-tarts and paper towels) to grab him a pack of pop-tarts, the light turned green and we had to pull away. I felt bad. The entire way home, Drew and I had a conversation about how the majority of the time, we all forget how lucky we actually are.

No matter how bad the training session was. No matter how late we got off work. No matter how stupid that assignment is that we have to write.

We are all blessed to live the life we are living right now. 

We have the ability to train even if it's not fun. We have a job even if we get off at 4 am. We are able to go to school even if we spend our weekends doing hw.

All of those complaints are just first-world, middle-class, problems.

Sometimes, what we need are just simple reminders of how lucky we really are and what it means to have a good life.

Reno Sunsets

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