Saturday, May 11, 2013

5/10 and 5/11


Three sets, not for time, of:
15′ Rope Climb x 2 reps
Double-Unders x 50 reps
Kipping Handstand Push-Ups x 10 reps
Toes to Bar x 10 reps

Take 10-15 minutes to build to a heavy-ish Clean & Jerk
Practice getting comfortable bringing the barbell down to your back rack up to your anticipated 3-RM OHS, if you intend to jerk the weight and rack it on your back before adjusting your hands for the OHS.

Four sets of:
Overhead Squat x 3 reps
Take these from the rack.

Three sets for times of:
10/7 Burpee Muscle-Ups
Rest 60-90 seconds

A) Done
B) 245 Power Clean and Push Jerk
C) Skipped
D) 1:28, 3:22, 2:25
-Second set I missed a few reps which definitely threw me off my game. Got back on track though with round 3. 


Three sets for speed & efficiency of:
20 Alternating Pistols
20 Alternating DB Snatch (70/50 lbs)
Rest as needed

For time:
100 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lbs)
75 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups

Rest approximately 4 hours if possible, and then . . .

For time:
9 Deadlifts (315/205 lbs)
21 Box Jumps (30″/24″)
7 Deadlifts
15 Box Jumps
5 Deadlift
9 Box Jumps 

A) 1:51, 1:43, 1:25(then the DB broke with 5 reps left)
-Had to make a 70 lber with tape, 5's, and 2.5's, which fell apart at the very end.. Annoying.

B) 10:57
-Finished the WBs at 4:53 which is exactly the pace I want. The C2B were another story today. Chipped away slowly in sets of 5. The full workout will be very, very, difficult.

4 hrs later

C) 4:00
-Tired. Stiff. Hard to breathe. I also did it in compression shorts. Way more awesome that way. 

 First full week back to training. Tired. Back on the grind though.

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