Every 90 seconds for 15 minutes (10 sets):
Hang Clean (mid-thigh) + Clean (below the knee)
Below the knee should be 2″ below the knee – plates off the ground, lats engaged, pause for 1 second, and then clean.
Build load over the course of the 10 sets – after warming up with the barbell and 60 kgs, you should be starting your 10 sets.
Three sets of:
Clean Pull x 1.1.1
(rest 5-10 seconds between singles)
Rest as needed
Complete rounds of 15, 10 and 5 reps of:
115/75 lb Thruster
Burpees Over the Barbell
You do not have to stand at full hip extension as you go over the
barbell. This should be FAST, so stay low and keep your self-talk
positive (don’t feel sorry for yourself).
A) Worked up to 275. Body was just not feeling it that day.
B) Skip
C) 285, 305, 325, 305, 325, 345
D) 3:37
Thursday 8/15
Weekly swim session.
Today was exceptionally hard. Not due to the swim aspect but more so my body is just so overly exhausted. Did some drill work, then a partner workout with some underwater/above water swimming with a brick
Good full training week.
I am sitting here half asleep, listening to Kendrick Lamar, drinking BCAAs and eating bacon and I can barely write this! Haha. One more day tomorrow then off to Tahoe for the Mitch's bachelor party this weekend!
Two sets, not for time, of:
Handstand Walk x 10-15 Meters
(If you don’t have handstand walks, perform handstand wall runs for 20-30 shoulder taps) Bridge-Ups x 3-4 reps of 10 second holds V-Up x 10-12 reps
Four sets of:
Ring Dips (with a hold) x 10-15 reps @ 20X2
(externally rotate at the top, thumbs out and hold for 2 seconds)
Rest 30 seconds
Strict Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups x Max Reps
Rest 30 seconds
Please adhere strictly to the 30 second rest periods.
11:00 AM
A) Done
-HS walks haven't felt that good in a while. I still suck at V-ups...
C) 6/2..wtf/4/3
5:30 PM
B) 185, 225 (1,f), 255(1).. cut it there
-After the one miss on my double at 225 I was a bit frustrated. 255 for a single was not really any better so I decided to stop climbing after that. Worked some pause jerks at 135 for a couple sets after that.
Then did a 6 min EMOM of Push Jerks
3 min @ 135 x 4 reps
2 min @ 165 x 3 reps
1 min @ 185 x 2 reps
Also, not the greatest of jerks here either. That is to be expected however with this being my first shoulder to oh barbell work in close to a month.
Randy's last day in town so we went to the MAC to slam some bars before he took off! Matt joined in and we did a partner style showdown.
15 minutes to establish a max snatch
-Score is totaled between you and your partner
10 min partner AMRAP
2 min max muscle up buy in
-rest 1 min
7 min AMRAP
4 deficit HSPU
100 lb DB carry
8 Alt. DB snatches
10 min AMRAP
:30 row for max cals
-switch with partner after the 30 seconds
I was teamed up with Matt. Here were the results
220 kg
-I hit a 100 kilos. Both 105 and 110 were easy pulls but for some reason my shoulders were just not there today. Really pleased that I can consistently hit 100 kilos no problem now though! Drew and Randy edged us by 10 kilos!
22 MUs + 4 rounds and 8 snatches
-Drew and Matt went 100. Shoulder just isn't prepared to one arm snatch that just yet. We edged them on that workout!
222 calories
-Nothing much more to say about this. It sucked! They edged us out by 8 cals!
Final Scores
Drew/Randy- 2
Brian/Matt- 1
In all, an awesome training day! Back is feeling a little tight but I should be good to go for our domination of WODSOMNIAC next weekend!!
Sorry team, been a little absent from the blog world. Not much to report from the past week or so. Was able to start cleaning a barbell relatively heavy again with little to no pain/discomfort. So back to full training starting today!
5k Trail Run at Evan's Canyon
Time - Long....
Not good today at all. Felt abnormally slow and didn't feel well. Probably had something to do with the couple beers and taco bell I had last night. Did the run on Wednesday and felt great that morning! Lesson learned!
Then had a FUCKING awesome day shooting a shit ton of firearms with Greg and Kevin who own Juggernaut Arms.
-15 lb. PR from the hang. For my first time snatching in almost two weeks, I'll take it. I was a little "lotta" fatigued today so I am very pleased with it! 250+ is there!
B) 76 total
-I hit 36 and Drew knocked out 40. Did sets of 5 the entire time. BB cycling felt great!
Once again It's been non-stop aerobic based work for me lately. Running/swimming/AirDyne'ng.. etc. The shoulder/back is starting to feel much better. Hopefully early next week I'll be able to load a barbell in the front rack and there will be no issue. Fingers crossed!